Using Cheats in DeSmuMe
This manual explains the 'raw' or 'internal' cheat system in desmume. The 'raw' or 'internal' cheats include cheat-finding facilities where you may manually search for and alter the memory positions which work to your advantage. This article will provide a rundown of the cheat searching menu and functions, followed by a pair of examples. Please note that, in post-0.9.2 versions, there is also the support for Action Replay cheat codes. The cheat system described here is referred to as 'raw' or 'internal' cheats.
The Cheat Menu
The cheat searching menu can be found in the toolbar under : Emulation | Cheats | Search. The initial cheat window has the following options:
Select Size
Select the memory addresses' size for the value you are searching for. Choose the smallest range applicable to the value you're trying to change. If you're trying to change an energy value which maxes out at 100, choose 1 byte (which has a range of 0 to 255). If you're trying to change HP and it maxes out in the game at 9999, choose 2 bytes (which has a range of 0 to 65536), etc. It usually is inadvisable to use larger memory sizes than required, as it may have undesirable effects on your game.
Select whether the memory address should be signed or unsigned. A signed memory refers to a memory that can include both positive or negative numbers. So if the value you're searching for can be less than zero, it is likely to be a signed memory type. Do note that when choosing a memory as signed, the range is halved in both directions. 1 byte, rather than covering a range of 0 to 255, will cover a range of -128 to +127 (not -255 to +255). This option does not work in 0.9.2
Select Search Type
Select the type of search you would like to perform. In some cases, the exact value you're searching for is unknown - such as hidden, or non-numerical values. Exact searches allow you to enter a known value (say, 100 for energy), and then continue with known values. A comparative search allows you to search for an unknown value by comparison - You run an initial search, and in following searches you narrow the possible values down by choosing whether the value increased, decreased, changed in any direction, or remained the same.
Examples Of Usage
The following provide theoretical examples for using the cheat searching system in both exact and comparative search modes.
Example 1: Modifying A Known Value
Let's assume you are playing a game in which your character currently has 100 health points. What we'll try to do is freeze his health at that value.
1. First thing you'll need to do is figure out the size of the memory address you're attempting to modify. Your character in the game has 100 health points, and that is the highest value it can reach throughout the game. You'll choose "1 byte", unsigned, exact search. "1 byte" because you need to use the smallest possible memory size which fits the value you're changing, unsigned because the hero's health points can not be less than zero, and exact search because his health points can be clearly seen.
2. Click "search", and enter the health points value in the next window. In this case, it's 100. Click "search again".
3. Close the cheat searching window and keep playing until you get hurt. The character's health points are now no longer at 100. Let's assume they are now at 90.
4. Go back into the search menu, and this time run a search for 90. What actually happened is that in the above search the emulator found all of the addresses that at the time of the search were equal to 100 and saved them. This second search is called a filter search - it goes through the previous found addresses and finds the ones that changed to 90. This essentially weeds out addresses that matched the initial search by coincidence in order to find the desired address.
5. After the second search, the number of results shown should be considerably lower. At this time there are three options: either there is only one result left, there are more than one, or there are none. If there are more than you you'll need to continue getting hurt in the game in order for the health point value to change, and running more filter searches until there is one result left. until I get the results down to 1. If it's 1 we're ready to set the value to what we want. If there are no results remaining, either the initial search parameters (size, sign) were wrong, or one of the searches was run with a wrong value. If there's one result left, continue to the next step.
6. Click "view", and a window with the address and the value will appear. Click the line that holds the current health points value, and click "Add".
7. Change the value in the new window to 100, add a description if you want, and choose whether you want the value to be frozen or not. If it's frozen, the value will remain at 100. If not, it will simply be set once to the value you chose, but will not be frozen and will be free to change later. Click "Add", and the value should now be frozen at 100.
Example 2: Modifying an Unknown Value Via Comparative Searches
Let's assume you're playing a game in which after your character is hit, he flashes for three seconds during which he is invulnerable (like in megaman games). What happens behind the scenes of the game is that when you get hit, some address is set to some value (usually 1, but not always) that tells the game that right now, your character is invulnerable. What we want to do is make that value always be in the "invulnerable" state.
1) First thing you do is get hit in the game, to have the invulnerability flashing on.
2) Begin a search. Choosing a memory size for unknown values is trickier because they're, well, unknown. However, in situations such as these (on/off functions, or boolean functions as they are called), memories are usually saved as booleans (1 or 0), or as flags (1,2,4,8,16...). Both of those are 1 byte memory addresses, so you'll first attempt the comparative search with a 1 byte size and if it fails - you'll try with increasing sizes.
2) After clicking "search", you won't be asked to enter a value of course. Don't be alarmed by seeing that there are 0 results. What actually happened is that the emulator just saved all of the addresses of our specified memory size. At this time you'll return to the game and wait for the invulnerability to wear off. When it does, go back to the search menu where you'll be presented with a couple of options. As you don't know how the game saves the invulnerability state, you can't actually know if the value is now higher or lower, so the first two options are irrelevant for this search. What you do know is that the value has changed. Choose "new value is != old value" -- ! in programming means not, so != means "not equal". Click search, and go back to the game.
3) In these kinds of searches youu'll usually need to do quite a couple of filtering searches. Do note that you can also use the "new value is = old value" searches. For example, when you're not invulnerable you run the first search, then seconds later when you're still not invulnerable, you run the "new value is = old value" search. This will usually have very little effect on the amount of values remaining, though.
4) After finally weeding the amount of values down to 1, You'll need to get hit again so the value will be set at the invulnerable state. Go to the search menu, hit "view", click the remaining value, click add, and do not change the value (the current value is the state for invulnerability), make sure "frozen" is checked, and click add. Your character is now invulnerable for as long as the cheat is on.
Still a work in progress, the cheat engine has a couple of quirks.
(it is a little tacky to list release groups here. also in the filenames in the dct rar...)
0118 - GoldenEye - Rogue Agent (E)
- Infinite Health
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000128 00001388 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Armor
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000012c 00000200 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite RMI Vision
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 100001de 000002ae d2000000 00000000
- Left Hand Weapon Modifier (& Extra Ammo)
- Start with Machine Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 00000007 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Paintgun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 00000001 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Golden Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 00000002 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 00000003 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Sniper
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 00000004 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Mamba (Shotgun)
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 00000006 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Sniper (Exploding Bullet)
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 00000008 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with HS-90
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 00000009 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Mines
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 0000000a 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Laser Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 0000000b 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Laser Gun 2
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 0000000c 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Zapper
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 0000000d 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Grenades
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 0000000e 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with KO Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 0000000f 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 00000010 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Right Hand Weapon Modifier (& Extra Ammo)
- Start with Machine Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 00000007 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Paintgun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 00000001 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Golden Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 00000002 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 00000003 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Sniper
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 00000004 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Mamba (Shotgun)
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 00000006 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Sniper (Exploding Bullet)
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 00000008 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with HS-90
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 00000009 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Mines
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 0000000a 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Laser Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 0000000b 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Laser Gun 2
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 0000000c 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Zapper
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 0000000d 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Grenades
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 0000000e 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with KO Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 0000000f 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Start with Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000184 00000010 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Extra Ammo (All Weapons)
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000160 000003e7 10000188 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Mini Gun Ammo
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000018c 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite AR4 Commando Ammo
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000190 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Paint Gun Ammo
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000194 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Golden Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000198 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Jackal Ammo
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000019c 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Sniper Ammo
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 100001a0 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Mamba
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 100001a8 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Machine Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 100001ac 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Sniper (Exploding Bullets)
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 100001b0 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite HS-90 Ammo
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 100001b4 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Mines
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 100001b8 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Laser Gun
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 100001bc 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Laser Gun 2
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 100001c0 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Zapper
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 100001c4 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Grenades
620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 100001c8 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
0120 - FIFA 06 (U)
- Home Team Score = 1EEE90
- Away Team Score = 1EEE91
0226 - Burnout Legends (E)
- Burnout Points = 12F198
- TakeDowns = 12AEE0
- Crash Points = 1149D8
- Infinite Boost (Action Replay) = 0212aed8 00002000
With The 1st 3 Codes, You Unlock All The Cars
0296 - Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball Max'd (U)
- Experience Points = 1ED7BC
0566 - Megaman ZX (U)
Every address is 2 bytes big, values are in brackets.
- Infinite Health = 14fbb2(20)
- Infinite Special Attack HX = 14fc94
- Infinite Special Attack FX = 14fc96
- Infinite Special Attack LX = 14fc96
- Infinite Special Attack PX = 14fc98
Note that FX and LX have the same address, so you have to choose between those two and find out the value which modifies it.
0711 - Totally Spies 2 - Undercover (U)
- Health (The Value Must Be 4) = 177484
- Opened % Of Van (Mission 1) = 1C8454
- Tornado Health (Mission 3) = 177488
0765 - Full Metal Alchemist Dual Sympathy (U)
Combo = 23BAE8
0865 - Cartoon Network Racing (E)
- OverAll Points (Cowardly Championship) = 2B4FD8
- OverAll Points (Booger Championship) = 2F41D8
- Money (Activate It Once Then Deactivate) = 1DB9F8
1093 - Touch The Dead (U)
- Health = 0AFBA4
- Continues = 0AFBA6
- Pistol Stars = 0AFBB0
- Pistol No Reload = 0AFBB1
- ShotGun Ammo = 0AFBBA
- ShotGun No Reload = 0AFBB9
- ShotGun Stars = 0AFBB8
- Crowbar Stars = 0AFBA8
- mp5 No Reload = 0AFBC1
- mp5 Ammo = 0AFBC2
1617 - Call Of Duty 4 (U)
- Health (Action Replay) = 020180F0 E0410000
- Ammo = 1B3AC4
- Grenades = 237014
1806 - Ferrari Challenge (E)
- OverAll Points = 177734
2809 - Castlevania Order of Ecclesia (U)
- HP = 1002B4
- MP = 1002B8
- EXP = 10030C
- STR = 0FFD38
- Hearts = 1002BC
- Gold = 100310
- ATK 1 (Both Must Be The Same Value) = 0FFD48
- ATK 2 (Both Must Be The Same Value) = 0FFD5C
3517 - Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars (U)
- Money 1 (Both Must Be The Same Value) = 341914
- Money 2 (Both Must Be The Same Value) = 341918
- Uzi Ammo 1 (Both Must Be The Same Value) = 35EFB0
- Uzi Ammo 2 (Both Must Be The Same Value) = 35EFB2
- Infinite Body Armor (Action Replay) =
a4000130 fcf30000 22340cb2 0000007f d2000000 00000000
- Infinite Health (Action Replay) =
a4000130 fcf30000 22340cb1 0000007f d0000000 00000000
- WASTED: Press L+R+START+SELECT (Action Replay) =
94000130 fcf30000 22340cb1 00000000 22340cb2 00000000 d2000000 00000000
- Pistol Ammo 1 = 35EF50
- Pistol Ammo 2 = 35EF54
3616 - Trackmania (U)
- Coppers (Money) = 223EC8
3798 - Up (U)
- Baloons = 04991A
- Butterflys = 049918
- Time (Seconds) = 04A11D
3978 - Powerbike (U)
Money = 164624
4004 - G-Force (U)
- Health = 1BD18A
- Chips = 1BCCE0
4106 - CORE (U)
- Ammo 1 (Both Must Be The Same Value) = 129F1E
- Ammo 2 (Both Must Be The Same Value) = 130E3C
4113 - Wizards Of Waverly Place (U)
- Coins = 216020
- Time = 18711C
- Preparing Sandwiches (Time) = 187104
4158 - Mini Ninjas (U)
- Shuriken Ammo = 0969D3
4191 - Zorro Quest For Justice (E)(M5)
- Coins = 0BD038
- Health Bottles = 0BD4C8
- Stamina Bottles = 0BD4D8
4245 - Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic Heroes (E)(M5)
- Combo (The Value Must Be 4) = 12C9B8
- No Reload = 144878
- Score = 12C9D4
4261 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky (U)
- Pokemon 1 HP = 1BA538
- Pokemon 2 HP = 1BA778
- Pokemon 1 EXP = 1BA548
- Pokemon 2 EXP = 1BA788
4296 - Bakugan Battle Brawlers (U)
- BP Points = 0D440C
- All Bakugan Available At The Store
02080c44 e3a000ff 02080c6c e3a000ff
- All Cards Available At The Store
02080d7c e3a000ff 02080d70 e3a000ff 02080da4 e3a000ff
- Start With 2 Rounds Won (Player 1)
722e25ce ff000002 222e25ce 00000002 222e25d4 00000002 d2000000 00000000
- Full SP (Press L+R) (Player 1)
94000130 fcff0000 222e25d3 000000be d2000000 00000000
- Bakugan 1 - 990 GP (Press L+R) (Player 1)
94000130 fcff0000 122e24f0 000003de d2000000 00000000
- Bakugan 2 - 990 GP (Press L+R) (Player 1)
94000130 fcff0000 122e24fc 000003de d2000000 00000000
- Bakugan 3 - 990 GP (Press L+R) (Player 1)
94000130 fcff0000 122e2508 000003de d2000000 00000000
- Never Win A Round (Player 2)
222e272e 00000000 222e2734 00000000
- No SP (Player 2)
222e2733 00000000
- Never Win A Round (Player 3)
820d43b3 ff000002 222e288e 00000000 222e2894 00000000 d2000000 00000000
- No SP (Player 3)
820d43b3 ff000002 222e2893 00000000 d2000000 00000000
- Zero Play Time
020d4434 00000000
- Max Play Time
020d4434 80bbb070
- Press SELECT to Fast Forward Play Time
94000130 fffb0000 220d4434 000000ff d2000000 00000000
- Max Bakugan Points
020d440c 3b9ac9ff
- Max Ranking Points
020d4410 3b9ac9ff
4310 - Shaun The Sheep Off His Head (E)
- Chicks = 034F40
- Health = 034F68
4321 - Ben 10 Alien Force Vilgax Attacks (U)
- Lives = 19F2F7
- XP = 181F74
- Score = 221164
Those Codes Work Only On The 1st Screen Of The 1st Mission So Put A Huge Value
4331 - Where The Wild Things Are (E) (M5)
- Scepter Crowns (Mission 01) = 29D458
- Scepter Crowns (Mission 02) = 29F718
- Big Chimps Bug (Change The Value To Change The Shape) = 2C6091
4334 - Nostalgia (U)
- HP (Gilbert) = 0B793C
- MP (Gilbert) = 0B794C
- HP (Eddie) = 0B737C
- XP (Eddie) = 0BEEEC
- Gold (Eddie) = 0B35E4
4337 - Hero's Saga Laevatein Tactics (U)
- HP (Player 1) = 1942C0
- HP (Player 2) = 194350
- HP (Player 3) = 1943E0
- Money = 193A58
4338 - Astro Boy The Video Game (U)
- Score = 045238
- Combo (Metro City 1-1) = 045248
4339 - Cars Race-O-Rama (E) (M3)
- Position (At The End Of The Race) = 37B608
4350 - Dragon Ball Z Attack Of The Sayans (E) (M5)
- Krillin HP = 0CD9E4
- Krillin KI = 0CD9F4
- Tien HP = 0CDC30
- Tien KI = 0CDC40
- Yamcha HP = 0CDE7C
- Yamcha KI = 0CDE8C
- Bonus Points For All = 0CC84C
4366 - Star Wars Battlefront Elite Squadron (E) (M2)
- ShotGun Ammo = 21DD74
- Grenades = 21DD7C
4379 - Planet 51 (E)
- Points = 19F854
4406 - Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Mobilized (E)
- SMG Ammo = 32A094
- Pistol Ammo = 309AE4
- Grenades = 328A40
- Flash Bang = 321E80
WARNING : If You Die Once The Codes Will Not Work
4408 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade Attack (U)
- Health (Player 1) = 205BB4
- Score (Player 1) = 15B670
- Score (Player 2) = 15B68C
- Combo = 15BFC8
4413 - Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Mobilized (U)
- SMG Ammo = 32A0D4
- Pistol Ammo = 309B24
- Grenades = 328A80
- Flash Bang = 321EC0
4447 - Sideswiped (U)
- Score 1 (Both Must Be The Same Value) = 177608
- Score 2 (Both Must Be The Same Value) = 1B8A50
- Money = 169748
4492 - Might And Magic Clash Of Heroes (U)
- HP = 26AE94
- Player XP = 27F2A4
- Units XP = 29FFE4
- Nr. Of Turns = 26AEF8
4506 - The Legend Of Zelda Spirit Tracks (U)
- Aboda Village Rupees = 2C3B00
- Train Time = 0BB584
- Castle Town Rupees 1 (Both Must Be The Same Value) = 2C41DC
- Castle Town Rupees 2 (Both Must Be The Same Value) = 264908
4512 - Street Football II (E)
- Nr. Of Cans = 1E6264
- Nr. Of Obstacles = 1C4530
Because this game dosen't work so good on version 0.9.5 , these are the only codes i found
4541 - Balloon Pop (U)
- Stage (Puzzel Mode) = 056A38
- Score (Endless Mode) = 041DD4
Activate Stage (Puzzel Mode) When You Need It Because Will Make The Game Crash
4542 - Dragon Ball Z Attack Of The Saiyans (U)
- Krillin HP = 0CDDE4
- Krillin KI = 0CDDF4
- Krillin AP = 0CDF88
- Tien HP = 0CE030
- Tien KI = 0CE040
- Tien AP = 0CE1D4
- Yamcha HP = 0CE27C
- Yamcha KI = 0CE28C
- Yamcha AP = 0CE420
- Points 'Til Next Level Up (Krillin) = 0CDF84
- Points 'Til Next Level Up (Tien) = 0CE1D0
- Points 'Til Next Level Up (Yamcha) = 0CE41C
- Bonus Points = 0CCC4C
- Pw = 0CCC64
- Df = 0CCC66
- Rc = 0CCC68
- Tc = 0CCC6A
- Sp = 0CCC6C
- Lk = 0CCC6E
4560 - Countdown The Game (E)
- Player 1 Points = 1BCE54
- Player 2 Points = 1BD0DC
4573 - Our House (U)
- Time = 0A0ACC
Because This Game Dosen't Work So Good On Version 0.9.5 This Is The Only Code I Found
4617 - Reversal Challenge (U)
- Score = 1031E0
- % = 1031E8
- Basic = 1031E4
4624 - Polar Rampage (E)
- Icebergs = 2792C0
- Score = 277F5C
- Money = 277F60
4628 - Sands Of Destruction (U)
- Rajiy HP (Some Times This Is The Enemy HP) = 159854
- Maja & Kyrie HP = 1585F4
- Gold = 0AA888
- EXP = 29288C
Some Times The Game Will Crash So Activate The Codes When You Need Them...
4635 - Glory Of Heracles (U)
- ??? Player HP = 218368
- ??? STR = 2183DE
- Leucos HP = 218768
- Leucos MP = 21876A
- Leucos STR = 2187DE
- Earth Nymph HP = 218B68
- Earth Nymph MP = 218B6A
- Water Nymph HP = 218F68
- Water Nymph MP = 218F6A
- Wind Nymph HP = 219368
- Wind Nymph MP = 21936A
- Pink Apple # = 214990
- Blue Apple # = 214984
- Green Apple # = 214978
- Yellow Apple # = 214960
- Red Apple # = 21496C
- Money = 2143D8
- Nr Of Camping kit = 14420A
Warning : "Nr Of Camping Kit's" May Affect The Battle So Activate It When You Need It
4643 - M & Ms Adventure (U)
- $ = 10328C
- Hearts = 103287
- Green M's = 1031B4
4644 - Bejeweled Twist (U)
- Score = 1804FC
4650 - WonderWorld Amusement Park (E)
- Score = 09B048
- Baloon Darts = 08B2C8
- Tickets = 09AD24
- Roller Balls = 08CA50
- Bumper Cars Lives = 20C0AC
- Bell Ring Tries = 08D35C
- # Of Knifes At Knife Throw = 08D844
- Dunk Tank Balls = 08D638
- Ye Ol' Ring Toss Rings = 08E384
- # Of Arrow At Eleven Arrows & # Of Spears At Dino Hunt = 08E48C
- Dragon Catch Tries = 09D460
- Fright Wheel Cranks = 08FCB4
- # Of Bats At Bat Toss = 08F894
- GraveYard Golf Balls = 08FA94
- # Of Rings At Space Rings = 08FDB4
- # Of Rings At Dino Toss = 0909D0
- # Of Balls At Dino Roll = 090830
4672 - Phantasy Star Zero (E)
- HP = 1A21FE
- PP = 1A2200
- Meseta = 2415D0
- Exp Points = 2415C8
4673 - Alvin And The Chipmunks The Squeakquel (E)
- Score = 1C6BF0
- Combo = 1C6BF4
4677 - Playmobil Pirates (U)
- Health = 113640
- Money = 11361C
- Dice 1 = 22C7D8
- Dice 2 = 22D0B8
4678 - Playmobil Knights (U)
- Health = 135D78
- Money = 135D30
4687 - Ragnarok (U)
- Status Points = 24382E
- STR = 201CDC
- AGI = 201CE2
- VIT = 201CE0
- INT = 201CDE
- DEX = 201CE4
- LUK = 201CE6
- Player HP = 27E170
- Sierra HP = 2C4520
- Skill Points = 27E18A
- Novice Attack Lvl = 206FF9
- First-Aid Lvl = 207019
- Money = 20F078
- Nr. Of Fly Wings = 20F092
4691 - SmackDown vs RAW 2010 (U)
- Attributes Points = 177368
- Money = 268740
4693 - Nandas Island (E)
- Score = 037B04
- Drops Of Rain = 0371B4
- Time Before The Rain Starts = 0371F8
Note = Activate "Drops Of Rain" only when you need it otherwise Game Over
4758 - Chicken Blaster (E)
- Bullets = 062F74
- Birds Shooted 1 = 108CA0
- Birds Shooted 2 = 108F90
- 10 Out Of 10 = 108CA4
- Score = 108F94
Note : in the 1st level "Birds Shooted 2" is needed if you want to continue without shooting to much
4765 - Bakugan Battle Trainer (U)
- Score = 0BFF00
- G-Power = 0B1B0C
4768 - Play Gardens (E)
- Water Fight Instant Win = 1A69A0
- Tomato Lab Instant Win = 1A66F4
- Butterfly Catching Instant Win = 1A6D88
- Mole Whack 1 Hit To Win = 1A66F8
Note 1 : Magic Mushroom & Divining Rod dosne't work on version 0.9.5
Note 2 : Activate The Needed Cheat Only When You Play The Stage
4824 - Squishy Tank (U)
- Score = 190404
Note : This game works only the 1st level on version 0.9.5
4893 - Kamen Rider Dragon Knight (U)
- Time = 371C44
4894 - Bakugan Battle Trainer (E)
- Score = 0C1660
- G-Power = 0B326C
4899 - Monster Racers (U)
- Money = 0EE9C8
4904 - Blue Dragon Awakened Shadow (U)
- Jyun HP = 26C2D8
- Jyun MP = 26C2DC
- Ganda HP = 26C110
- Ganda MP = 26C114
- Shu HP = 26ABB0
- Shu MP = 26ABB4
- Your HP = 2816D8
- Your MP = 2816DC
- Zola HP = 26B2D0
- Zola MP = 26B2D4
- Money = 241B0C
4916 - Tetris Party Deluxe (U)
- Score = 2F2818
- Row 4 Fake Square = 282B94
- Row 3 Fake Square = 282BD4
4928 - Backyard Sports Sandlot Sluggers (U)
- Upgrade Points = 0BCEFC
- Balls = 144CCC
- Strikes = 144CD0
Note : 1 Ball & You Walk To The 1st Plate (the 2nd cheat)
4947 - Legend Of Kay (E)
- Health = 08D706
- Coins = 08D708
5011 - River City Soccer Hooligans
- Your Score =2281AC
- CPU Score = 2281AE
5017 - Toy Story 3
- Pixar Balls = 1C38D0
Becaus Onyl The 1st Level Works, This Is The Only Code
5096 - The Sorcerers Apprentice
- Nr. Of Domain = 206857
5134 - Prince Of Persia - The Forgotten Sands
- Diamonds = 149A6C
- Reverse Time = 149714
5187 - Batman The Brave And The Bold (E)
- Score 1 = 3CD1B4
- Score 2 = 1909E8
- Nr. Of Hits = 2B473E
5196 - Gormiti (E)
- Score = 1574AC
- Note : This Game Dosen't Pass Level 1 So This Is The Only Code
5217 - Bermuda Triangle (U)
- Score = 067A7C
- Money 1 = 067AB4
- Money 2 = 067AC0
- Bombs = 069784
- Rainbow = 06978C
- Wave = 069790
- Anchor = 069788
5218 - Spider-Man - Shattered Dimensions (E)
- Health = 32C4BC
- Note : This Game Dosen't Pass Level 1 So This Is The Only Code
5220 - Dawn Of Heroes (U)
- Jiro HP = 30D2AC
- Reynald HP = 30D6D4
- Note : On version 0.9.6 this game dosen't pass the 3rd battle so these are the only codes
5230 - TrackMania - Turbo (E)
- Coppers (Money) = 280E9C
- Medals = 281324
5237 - My Sims - Sky Heroes (E)
- Score = 192E92
- Infinite Health Action Replay
620D7C7C 00000000 620D7C80 00000000 B20D7C80 00000000 D9000000 000005F8 D6000000 000005F0 D2000000 00000000
- Infinite Fernegy Action Replay
620D7C7C 00000000 620D7C80 00000000 B20D7C80 00000000 D9000000 00000604 D6000000 000005FC D2000000 00000000
- Super Slow Motion (Select+Down) Action Replay
94000130 0000037B 020D4FB8 00000004 D2000000 00000000
- Slow Motion (Select+Right) Action Replay
94000130 000003EB 020D4FB8 00000003 D2000000 00000000
- Normal Speed (Select+Left) Action Replay
94000130 000003DB 020D4FB8 00000002 D2000000 00000000
- Quicker Game (Select+Up) Action Replay
94000130 000003BB 020D4FB8 00000001 D2000000 00000000
- Note : With "Score" you'll have a Instant Win on missions with Score ("Destroy 10 Planes" or "Checkpoint" missions) [On The Emu Cheat, Not on Action Replay Cheat]
5244 - Scooby-Doo And The Spooky Swamp (E)
- Scooby Snacks = 1D38C4
- Shaggy's Health = 231270
- Scooby's Health = 22EDF0
- Sandwiches = 234180
- Note : With "HEALTH" it takes about 5 seconds to be FULL after you take a hit
5250 - 12 (E)
- Score (Lolli-Rolling) = 089AA0
- Fishing Wire (Fun Fishing) = 0886EC
- Money (Fun Fishing) = 08875C
- Worm Amount (Fun Fishing) = 0888EC
- Cord Amount (Fun Fishing) = 0888ED
- Water Amount (Fun Fishing) = 0888EE
- Humus Amount (Fun Fishing) = 0888EF
- Medicine Amount (Fun Fishing) = 0888F0
- Puff Amount (Fun Fishing) = 0888F1
- Money (Fun Fishing) = 0888F2
- Remote Control (Fun Fishing) = 0888F3
- Silver Fishing Rod Amount (Fun Fishing) = 0888F4
- Gold Fishing Rod Amount (Fun Fishing) = 0888F5
- Time [Seconds] (Fun Fishing) = 088798
- Time [Minutes] (Fun Fishing) = 08879C
- Score (Fill Love) = 087B20
- Score (Dice) = 088C5C
- Score (Testy Grill) = 08A5A0
- Score (Egg Adventure) = 08BDC4
- Ammo (Egg Adventure) = 08BE54
- Lives (Egg Adventure) = 08BE4C
- Time (Mr. Oil) = 08896C
- Money (Mr. Oil) = 0889E0
- Turns (Match 2) = 089704
- Time [Seconds] (Match 2) = 089730
- Score (Bang! Bang! Balloon) = 08A390
- Darts (Bang! Bang! Balloon) = 08A3AC
- Score (Moon) = 08835C
- Lives (Moon) = 088390
- Score (Kuo) = 08CA6C
- Special Attacks (Kuo) = 08CA60
- Health (Kuo) = 08CA1C
- Lives (Kuo) = 08CA5C
- Money (Buffy Racing 2) = 087FA8
- Jumps (Buffy Racing 2) = 0882E1
- Kabombs (Buffy Racing 2) = 0882E2
- Infinite Power Slot 1 (Buffy Racing 2) = 08810C
- Infinite Power Slot 2 (Buffy Racing 2) = 08810E
- Total Score (Buffy Racing 2) = 087F10
5256 - FIFA 11 (E)
- Score = 16217C
- Home Team 99 (Press START+L) Action Replay
94000130 000001F7 1216217C 00000063 D2000000 00000000
- Away Team 99 (Press START+R) Action Replay
94000130 000002F7 1216217C 00006300 D2000000 00000000
- My Custom Pro Max Stats (Use on the custom pro screen hold SELECT while SAVING) Action Replay
94000130 000000FF 12128B6E 00006464 02128B70 64646464 D2000000 00000000
- Max Transfer Cash (Press L+R) Action Replay
94000130 000000FF 021E249C 05F5E0FF D2000000 00000000
- NOTE : If you change the value, you change the score for both teams (On The Emu Cheat, Not on Action Replay Cheat)
5265 - Lufia - Curse Of The Sinistrals (U)
- Maxim HP = 1557B0
- Maxim Level = 15579C
- Gold = 158F00
5270 - Grease The Official Video Game (U)
- Score = 1D86DC
- Tap Success = 1B3C38
- Shape Success = 1B3C34
5271 - Shrek - Forever After (U)
- Time Level 01 = 2B0758
- HourGlasses Level 01 = 2B074C
- Time Level 02 = 28404C
- HourGlasses Level 02 = 284040
- Time Level 03 = 2840CC
- HourGlasses Level 03 = 2840C0
- Time Level 04 = 28411C
- HourGlasses Level 04 = 284110
- Time Level 05 = 2B7C90
- HourGlasses Level 05 = 2B7C84
- MoonJump Action Replay
120704EC 000062E8 94000130 FFFD0000 120704EC 00002000 D2000000 00000000
- Infinite Health (Always ON) Action Replay
02067728 60012140 1206772C 00001C08
- Infinite Health (Select+L ON, Select+R OFF) Action Replay
94000130 000001FB 02067728 60012140 1206772C 00001C08 D2000000 00000000 94000130 000002FB 02067728 FFD2F025 1206772C 00000300 D2000000 00000000
- Lives On Donkey's Waffles (Easy) = 2ABBD4
- Lives On Donkey's Waffles (Medium & Difficult) = 2B7B24
- Gingy's Arena Instant Win = 285244
- Note 01 : Most Of The Time The Game Gets Stuck So Activate The Codes Only When You Need Them (On The Specified Level)
- Note 02 : To Finish Level 02, Tunr Off "HourGlasses Level 02" At The End Of The Level
- Note 03 : To Finish Level 04, Tunr Off "HourGlasses Level 04" At The End Of The Level
5283 - Legend Of Guardians - Owls Of GaHoole (E)
- Experience Points = 3901E8
- Level = 3D96C4
- Green Orbs = 3901F0
5287 - Crazy Chicken Carnival (E)
- Score = 08345C
5295 - Rock Band 3 (E)
- Score = 257CFC
5299 - GoldenEye 007 (U)
- Infinite Ammo (Guns)
02079384 E58A1100 94808004 FFFE0000 02079384 E3A01000 D2000000 00000000
- Infinite Ammo (Mines)
020773EC E5851100 94808004 FFFE0000 020773EC E3A01000 D2000000 00000000
- Infinite Health
94808004 FFFE0000 6217EC68 00000000 B217EC68 00000000 000005D8 0000012C D2000000 00000000
- Infinite Armor
94808004 FFFE0000 6217EC68 00000000 B217EC68 00000000 000005E0 0000012C D2000000 00000000
- Infinite Health & Armour
020C055C E5912000 94808004 FFFE0000 020C055C E12FFF1E D2000000 00000000
- Debug Model Viewer
02155EC4 02155ED4
5305 - Monopoly (E)
- Left Up Player Money = 08A500
- Right Up Player Money = 08A6C8
- Left Down Player Money = 08A890
- Right Down Player Money = 08AA58
5307 - James Bond 007 - Blood Stone (E)
- Infinite Health
020C35DC E5950170 020C35E0 E3500000 020C35E4 CA000058 94808004 FFFE0000 020C35DC E3A00AC8 020C35E0 E5850170 020C35E4 EA000058 D2000000 00000000
- Infinite Ammo (Guns)
02079384 E5840104 02079B94 E5840104 94808004 FFFE0000 02079384 E3A00000 02079B94 E3A00000 D2000000 00000000
- Debug Model Viewer
0216463C 0216A4C6
5311 - The Penguins Of Madagascar (U)
- Ice Cream Cones = 289A4C
5314 - Call Of Duty - Black Ops (E)
- Press Select To Unlock All Stages
94000130 FFFB0000 121BA9B0 0000FFFF D2000000 00000000
- Infantry AI Doesn't Shoot
021D643C E1A00000 021D644C E1A00000
- Infantry AI Doesn't Use Grenade
021D6518 E1A00000
- Infantry AI Doesn't Melee
021D6478 E1A00000
- Zombies Don't Melee (Select+Up ON, Select+Down OFF)
94000130 FFBB0000 0215082C E1A00000 D0000000 00000000 94000130 FF7B0000 0215082C 0A000008 D0000000 00000000
- Test Levels
021A53BC 00000001
5315 - Ben 10 Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction (E)
- Lives = 255F9A
- Note : Because The Game Crashes At The 1st Level, This Is The Only Code
5318 - Sonic Colours (E)
- Rings = 19B916
- Nr. Of Hits = 1A1C30
- Coloured Orbs (Special Stage) = 2176F4
- Chain (Special Stage) = 217708
- Bonus Orbs (Special Stage) = 217700
- 99 Lives (Press Select)
94000130 fffb0000 221208e6 00000063 d2000000 00000000
- Max Rings for Stage (Press Select)
94000130 fffb0000 62120850 00000000 b2120850 00000000 100006f6 000003e7 100006f8 0000270f d2000000 00000000
- Reset Timer (Press Select)
94000130 fffb0000 0212089c 00000000 d2000000 00000000
- Invincible (Not For Delta Plane sections)
0201c05c e3a01072
- Big Jumps
5215d4a0 e3100a02 0215d4a8 e3a02000 0215d4b0 e2422902 d2000000 00000000
- Even Bigger Jumps
5215d4a0 e3100a02 0215d4a8 e3a02000 0215d4b0 e2422801 d2000000 00000000
- Moonjump (A+B)
52143954 e2400901 02143950 e1811a00 02143954 e0830001 d2000000 00000000 94000130 fffc0000 52143950 e1811a00 02143950 e3a00000 02143954 e2400901 d2000000 00000000
- Ring Multiplier x2
520197f8 e1d04ff6 020197fc e0842081 0201982c e0821081 d2000000 00000000
- Ring Multiplier x4
520197f8 e1d04ff6 020197fc e0842101 0201982c e0821101 d2000000 00000000
- Ring Multiplier x8
520197f8 e1d04ff6 020197fc e0842181 0201982c e0821181 d2000000 00000000
- Ring Multiplier x16
520197f8 e1d04ff6 020197fc e0842201 0201982c e0821201 d2000000 00000000
- Ring Multiplier x32
520197f8 e1d04ff6 020197fc e0842281 0201982c e0821281 d2000000 00000000
- Ring Multiplier x64
520197f8 e1d04ff6 020197fc e0842301 0201982c e0821301 d2000000 00000000
- Ring Multiplier x128
520197f8 e1d04ff6 020197fc e0842381 0201982c e0821381 d2000000 00000000
- Giant Sonic
92120824 00000001 62120850 00000000 b2120850 00000000 00000038 00002000 0000003c 00002000 00000040 00002000 d2000000 00000000
- Note : Activate The "Special Stage" Codes Only When You Are At "Special Stage" , The Same With The Normal Codes
5325 - Mario vs Donkey Kong Mini-Land Mayhem (U)
- Building Blox (Attraction 1) = 12C9E4
- Score = 0993CC
- Coins = 0993C8
- Mario Coins = 09915E
- Yellow Jumping Platforms (Attraction 2) = 12D860
- Pink Jumping Platforms (Attraction 2) = 12D8C8
- Blue Building Blox (Attraction 3) = 12D7B0
- Pipes (Attraction 4) = 12D930
- Latters (Attraction 5) = 12CA4C
- Support Poles (Attraction 6) = 174618
- Note : Still Working On The Cheats But I've Got Stocked On 6-3
5342 - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1 (E)
- Magic Points = 0EDCC0
- Health Bottels = 0EDDB4
- Brewing Time Never Decrease
5210A72C E5940708 0210A730 E2400000 D2000000 00000000
- Max Blue Dust (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 020EDCC0 05F5E0FF D2000000 00000000
- Max Gold Dust (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 020EDCBC 05F5E0FF D2000000 00000000
- All Items In Hand x100 (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 220EDDB4 00000064 220EDD78 00000064 220EDD9C 00000064 220EDD48 00000064 D2000000 00000000
- Have 100 Potion Ingredients (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 220EDF1C 00000064 D2000000 00000000
- Game Time 99h 59m 59s (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 020EC2C8 00057E3F D2000000 00000000
- Unlock All Chapters (+ Debug Stage)
94000130 FFFB0000 220EC2D0 0000000E D2000000 00000000
- Refill Health (SELECT)
620EC330 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 B20EC330 00000000 B00000A4 00000000 DA000000 00000000 D7000000 00000078 D2000000 00000000
- Refill Magic (Press SELECT)
620EC330 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 B20EC330 00000000 B00000A4 00000000 DA000000 00000002 D7000000 0000007A D2000000 00000000
- Health Never Decrease
620EC330 00000000 B20EC330 00000000 B00000A4 00000000 DA000000 00000000 D7000000 00000078 D2000000 00000000
- Magic Never Decrease
620EC330 00000000 B20EC330 00000000 B00000A4 00000000 DA000000 00000002 D7000000 0000007A D2000000 00000000
5360 - Call Of Duty - Black Ops (U)
- Infantry AI Doesn't Shoot
021D643C E1A00000 021D644C E1A00000
- Infantry AI Doesn't Use Grenade
021D6518 E1A00000
- Infantry AI Doesn't Melee
021D6478 E1A00000
- Note : As You Can See They Are The Same As 5314 - Call Of Duty - Black Ops (E) But Only These 3 Cheats Work
5363 - Doctor Who - Evacuation Earth (E)
- Puzzle Credits = 2FC874
5367 - Golden Sun - Dark Dawn (U)
- Matthew HP = 07B1BE
- Matthew PP = 07B1C0
- Matthew Exp = 07B298
- Karis HP = 07B31A
- Karis PP = 07B31C
- Karis Exp = 07B3F4
- Coins = 07DD2C
5381 - Michael Jackson - The Experience (E)
- Score = 3DB314
5397 - Match 3 Madness (E)
- Combo = 1143F8
- Score = 1143F4
- Popped Gems = 114404
- Hints Used = 1133E4
5433 - Galactic Taz Ball (E)
- Hearts = 256C69
- Lives = 256C68
- Coins = 256C6B
- Note 1 : If you have the cheats activated, you will not see what language you chose on the 1st screen
- Note 2 : These cheats work only for slot 1 (save game)
5469 - River City - Super Sports Challenge (U)
- Team Score = 06946C
5472 - Kingdom Hearts - Re-Coded (U)
- HP = 060B52
- EXP = 198364
- Defence = 060B5A
- Strenght = 060B56
- SP Points = 21D160
- Munny = 198368
- Max Munny (Press SELECT)
94000130 fffb0000 02198368 000f423f d2000000 00000000
- Sora: Full HP
72060b52 000003e7 12060b52 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Sora: Max HP
72060b54 000003e7 12060b54 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Max Strength (Sora Stat Code)
72060b56 000003e7 12060b56 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Max Magic (Sora Stat Code)
72060b58 000003e7 12060b58 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Max Defense (Sora Stat Code)
72060b5a 000003e7 12060b5a 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
- Max Luck (Sora Stat Code)
72060b5c 000003e7 12060b5c 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
5475 - Monster Jam - Path Of Destruction (U)
- XP = 21BD3C
5495 - Plants vs. Zombies (U)
- Infinite Sun
6223f66c 00000000 b223f66c 00000000 10005af8 0000270f d2000000 00000000
- Max Coins
6223f66c 00000000 b223f66c 00000000 dc000000 f7fa4754 18000000 000003e7 d2000000 00000000
5576 - Naruto vs. Sasuke (U)
- Ammo Chapter 1 = 290386
- Ammo Chapter 2 = 269D6E
- Ammo Chapter 3 = 28FDCA
- Ammo Chapter 4 Part 1 = 29B922
- Ammo Chapter 4 Part 2 = 295FDE
- Infinite Jumps Chapter 1 = 290376
- Infinite Jumps Chapter 2 Part 1 = 269B62
- Infinite Jumps Chapter 2 Part 2 = 270176
- Infinite Jumps Chapter 3 = 28FDBA
- Infinite Jumps Chapter 4 Part 1 = 29BB0E
- Infinite Jumps Chapter 4 Part 2 = 295FCE
- Infinite Jumps Chapter 4 (When You Fight Naruto) = 295DD2
- Combo = 0EEB9C
- NOTE : If You Start A Chapter from part 1, you will have Ammo & Infinite Jumps for both parts
- NOTE : The Game Stops At Chapter 5, These Are All The Codes I Can Geve You
5585 - Pokemon Black Version (E)
- Infinite Health
521c605c d10e2800 021c605c fbd0f1e8 023ae800 d0002800 023ae804 4903bd70 023ae808 428e6809 023ae80c 2400d200 023ae810 46c04770 023ae814 0226993c d2000000 00000000
- Infinite PP Use
921d5618 0000d301 121d5618 0000e003 d2000000 00000000
- 100% catch rate (Wild Pokemons)
521cbcd4 7820d203 121cbcd4 000046c0 d2000000 00000000
- Catch trainer Pokemon (1rt)
521cbaac 2f06d134 121cbaac 0000e001 121cbae6 00002001 121cbacc 00002000 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemons Are Shiny
521a96d8 1f492104 02002200 4c08b57e 02002204 88248865 02002208 08ed4065 0200220c f1a7b40f 02002210 1c06fd8f 02002214 40410401 02002218 428d0cc9 0200221c d1f5bc0f 02002220 bd7e1c30 02002224 0224f93c 021a96d4 fd94f658 d2000000 00000000
- After Battle Experience Multiplier x2
521cb52c 59a8437e 023ae840 59a8437e 023ae844 51a80040 023ae848 00004770 021cb52c f988f1e3 d2000000 00000000
- After Battle Experience Multiplier x4
521cb52c 59a8437e 023ae840 59a8437e 023ae844 51a80080 023ae848 00004770 021cb52c f988f1e3 d2000000 00000000
- After Battle Experience Multiplier x8
521cb52c 59a8437e 023ae840 59a8437e 023ae844 51a800c0 023ae848 00004770 021cb52c f988f1e3 d2000000 00000000
- After Battle Experience Multiplier x16
521cb52c 59a8437e 023ae840 59a8437e 023ae844 51a80100 023ae848 00004770 021cb52c f988f1e3 d2000000 00000000
- After Battle Experience Multiplier x32
521cb52c 59a8437e 023ae840 59a8437e 023ae844 51a80140 023ae848 00004770 021cb52c f988f1e3 d2000000 00000000
- After Battle Experience Multiplier x64
521cb52c 59a8437e 023ae840 59a8437e 023ae844 51a80180 023ae848 00004770 021cb52c f988f1e3 d2000000 00000000
- After Battle Experience Multiplier x128
521cb52c 59a8437e 023ae840 59a8437e 023ae844 51a801c0 023ae848 00004770 021cb52c f988f1e3 d2000000 00000000
- After Battle Experience Multiplier x256
521cb52c 59a8437e 023ae840 59a8437e 023ae844 51a80200 023ae848 00004770 021cb52c f988f1e3 d2000000 00000000
- After Battle Experience Multiplier x512
521cb52c 59a8437e 023ae840 59a8437e 023ae844 51a80240 023ae848 00004770 021cb52c f988f1e3 d2000000 00000000
- After Battle Experience Multiplier x1024
521cb52c 59a8437e 023ae840 59a8437e 023ae844 51a80280 023ae848 00004770 021cb52c f988f1e3 d2000000 00000000
- Press L+R for X900 of first item in inventory
94000130 fcff0000 12233fae 00000384 d2000000 00000000
- Press L+R for X900 of first recovery item in inventory
94000130 fcff0000 12234786 00000384 d2000000 00000000
- Press L+R to turn first item in inventory into x900 Masterballs
94000130 fcff0000 02233fac 03840001 d2000000 00000000
- All Berries (Press SELECT)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000003f 12234846 00000384 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000 94000130 fffb0000 d5000000 00000095 c0000000 0000003f d7000000 02234844 d4000000 00000001 dc000000 00000002 d2000000 00000000
- All Items Part 1 (Press SELECT)
94000130 fffb0000 022340a8 03840074 022340ac 03840075 022340b0 03840076 022340b4 03840077 02234344 0384023c 02234348 0384023d 0223434c 0384023e 02234350 0384023f 02234354 03840240 02234358 03840241 d2000000 00000000 94000130 fffb0000 d5000000 03840001 c0000000 0000000f d6000000 02233fac d4000000 00000001 d2000000 00000000 94000130 fffb0000 d5000000 03840041 c0000000 0000002e d6000000 02233fec d4000000 00000001 d2000000 00000000
- All Items Part 2 (Press SELECT)
94000130 fffb0000 d5000000 03840087 c0000000 0000000c d6000000 022340b8 d4000000 00000001 d2000000 00000000 94000130 fffb0000 d5000000 038400d5 c0000000 00000071 d6000000 022340ec d4000000 00000001 d2000000 00000000 94000130 fffb0000 d5000000 038401ec c0000000 00000008 d6000000 022342b4 d4000000 00000001 d2000000 00000000 94000130 fffb0000 d5000000 03840219 c0000000 0000001a d6000000 022342d8 d4000000 00000001 d2000000 00000000 94000130 fffb0000 d5000000 03840244 c0000000 0000000a d6000000 0223435c d4000000 00000001 d2000000 00000000
- All Consumables x900 (Press SELECT)
94000130 fffb0000 d5000000 03840011 c0000000 00000025 d6000000 02234784 d4000000 00000001 d2000000 00000000
- Complete Pokedex (Press SELECT) Use at your own risk!
94000130 fffb0000 0223d1b0 00001803 d5000000 ffffffff c0000000 00000131 d6000000 0223d1b4 d2000000 00000000
- Press SELECT for Max Money
94000130 fffb0000 0223cdac 0098967f d2000000 00000000
- Press SELECT for 9999 BP
94000130 fffb0000 1223d8ac 0000270f d2000000 00000000
- Egg Quick Hatch
9218aaf6 00004281 1218aaf8 000046c0 d2000000 00000000
- (SELECT+A+L/R/B 3D,45,TopDown) View Change
5228aeb0 61635f64 94000130 fff80000 2228af3d 00000040 d2000000 00000000 5228aeb0 61635f64 94000130 fefa0000 2228af3d 00000020 d2000000 00000000 5228aeb0 61635f64 94000130 fdfa0000 2228af3d 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- No Wild Encounters (Hold R for Encounter)
521a9fa0 28ff9803 121a9fa0 000020ff d2000000 00000000 94000130 feff0000 921a9fa0 000020ff 121a9fa0 00009803 d2000000 00000000
- Repel Spray: 255 Steps (L+Up)
94000130 fdbf0000 2223d6dd 000000ff d2000000 00000000
- Walk Through Walls (L+B OFF, L+A ON)
94000130 fdfc0002 1216398e 00000200 d2000000 00000000 94000130 fdfd0000 1216398e 00001c20 d2000000 00000000 94000130 000002dc 94000136 fffc0000 0224f90c 00000185 0224f910 030e8000 0224f914 00000000 0224f918 02ed8000 038090e0 eb9fe7c7 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Bulbasaur (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000001 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Ivysaur (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000002 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Venusaur (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000003 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Charmander (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000004 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Charmeleon (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000005 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Charizard (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000006 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Squirtle (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000007 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Wartortle (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000008 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Blastoise (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000009 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Caterpie (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000000a dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Metapod (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000000b dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Butterfree (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000000c dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Weedle (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000000d dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Kakuna (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000000e dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Beedrill (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000000f dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Pidgey (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000010 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Pidgeotto (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000011 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Pidgeot (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000012 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Rattata (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000013 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Raticate (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000014 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Spearow (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000015 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Fearow (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000016 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Ekans (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000017 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Arbok (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000018 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Pikachu (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000019 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Raichu (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000001a dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Sandshrew (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000001b dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Sandslash (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000001c dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Nidoran F (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000001d dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Nidorina (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000001e dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Nidoqueen (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000001f dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Nidoran M (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000020 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Nidorino (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000021 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Nidoking (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000022 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Clefairy (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000023 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Clefable (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000024 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Vulpix (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000025 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Ninetales (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000026 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Jigglypuff (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000027 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Wigglytuff (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000028 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Zubat (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000029 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Golbat (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000002a dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Oddish (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000002b dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Gloom (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000002c dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Vileplume (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000002d dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Paras (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000002e dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Parasect (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000002f dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Venonat (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000030 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Venomoth (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000031 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Diglett (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000032 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Dugtrio (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000033 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Meowth (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000034 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Persian (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000035 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Psyduck (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000036 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Golduck (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000037 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Mankey (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000038 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Primeape (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000039 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Growlithe (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000003a dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Arcanine (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000003b dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Poliwag (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000003c dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Poliwhirl (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000003d dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
- Wild Pokemon Modifier = Poliwrath (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed)
94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 0000003e dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000
5629 - Hugo Magic In The Troll Woods (E)
- Magical Troll Coins = 109948
- Health = 257998
- Power Orbs = 1099AC
5643 - Farmtopia (U)
- Time = 064AE8
- Money (In Game) = 064AE0
- Money (In Bank) = 065D30
- Eggs (Goal) = 064B84
- Ducks (Goal) = 064B78
- Instant Win Missoin 3 = 064B88
5653 - Johnny Test (U)
- Score = 0A17EC
- Health = 0A17E8
- Power Cells = 0C56EC
- Lives = 0C5705
5661 - LEGO Battles - Ninjago (U)
- Bricks = 13FC94
5670 - TrackMania Turbo (U)
- CC (Money) = 27ED6C
- Medals = 27F1F4
5675 - ATV Quad Kings (E)
- Boost = 0F4BA0
- OverAll Points = 0B03F8
- Money = 0B044C
- NOTE : Activate "OverAll Points" At The Beginning Of The Championship (1st Race), Save The Game Then Deactivate The Cheat This Way You Will Be 1st Because If You Put A Value Over 99 Then A Nother Driver Will Be 1st
5693 Thor - God Of Thunder (E)
- Energy Never Decrease/Always Max
620F7C5C 00000000 B20F7C5C 00000000 D9000000 00000308 D6000000 00000304 D2000000 00000000
- Health Never Decrease/Always Max
620F7C5C 00000000 B20F7C5C 00000000 D9000000 00000178 D6000000 00000174 D2000000 00000000
5738 Transformers - Dark Of The Moon Decepticons (U)
- Max Upgrade Slots (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 221774D8 00000063 D2000000 00000000
- Max EXP (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 121774CC 00002710 D2000000 00000000
5741 Transformers - Dark Of The Moon Autobots (U)
- Max Upgrade Slots (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 22177558 00000063 D2000000 00000000
- Max EXP (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 1217754C 00002710 D2000000 00000000
- Health Mission 1
30150B90 00064000
- Bombs
00283304 00000009
- Slots
00177558 00000063
- XP
1017754C 0000270F
5748 Kung Fu Panda 2 (E)
- Infinite Health
1204FEE4 0000B001 1204FEEE 00006C42 1204FEF0 000060A2
- Earn Coins When Buying Items
1208D45C 0000189A
- Coins
302D5AD4 0000270F
5749 Solatorobo - Red The Hunter (E)
- Max Rings (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 62154688 00000000 B2154688 00000000 00000020 0001869F D2000000 00000000
- Max Crystal P (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 62154688 00000000 B2154688 00000000 00000024 0001869F D2000000 00000000
- Musical Points (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 62154688 00000000 B2154688 00000000 00000614 0001869F D2000000 00000000
- All Parts (Press SELECT)
94000130 FFFB0000 62154688 00000000 B2154688 00000000 D5000000 00000064 C0000000 0000004E D8000000 0000002A D2000000 00000000
- Max Level (Press SELECT) (Red Related)
94000130 FFFB0000 62154688 00000000 B2154688 00000000 2000001A 00000063 D2000000 00000000
- Max EXP (Press SELECT) (Red Related)
94000130 FFFB0000 62154688 00000000 B2154688 00000000 0000001C 0001869F D2000000 00000000
- Max Stats (Press SELECT) (Red Related)
94000130 FFFB0000 62154688 00000000 B2154688 00000000 0000012C FFFFFFFF D2000000 00000000
- Max Life (Press SELECT) (Red Related)
94000130 FFFB0000 622792A0 00000000 B22792A0 00000000 1000F500 0000270F D2000000 00000000
- Max Current Health (Press SELECT) (Red Related)
94000130 FFFB0000 622792A0 00000000 B22792A0 00000000 1000F502 0000270F D2000000 00000000
- Health Never Decrease (Red Related)
622792A0 00000000 B22792A0 00000000 DA000000 0000F502 D7000000 0000F500 D2000000 00000000
- Refill Health (Press SELECT) (Red Related)
94000130 FFFB0000 622792A0 00000000 B22792A0 00000000 DA000000 0000F502 D7000000 0000F500 D2000000 00000000
- Moon Jump (R+B) (Red Related)
94000130 FEFD0000 622792A0 00000000 B22792A0 00000000 000000A0 00000180 D2000000 00000000
- Speed Modifier (Hold L) Fast (Don't use when jumping)
94000130 FDFF0000 622792A0 00000000 B22792A0 00000000 0000009C 00000400 D2000000 00000000
- Speed Modifier (Hold L) Faster (Don't use when jumping)
94000130 FDFF0000 622792A0 00000000 B22792A0 00000000 0000009C 00000800 D2000000 00000000
- Speed Modifier (Hold L) Fastest (Don't Use When Jumping)
94000130 FDFF0000 622792A0 00000000 B22792A0 00000000 0000009C 00001000 D2000000 00000000
- Exp Multiplier x2
921D9028 00006820 121D9028 000067A0 D2000000 00000000
- Exp Multiplier x4
921D9028 00006820 121D9028 00006720 D2000000 00000000
- Exp Multiplier x8
921D9028 00006820 121D9028 000066A0 D2000000 00000000
- Exp Multiplier x16
921D9028 00006820 121D9028 00006620 D2000000 00000000
- Exp Multiplier x32
921D9028 00006820 121D9028 000065A0 D2000000 00000000
- Exp Multiplier x64
921D9028 00006820 121D9028 00006520 D2000000 00000000
- Exp Multiplier x128
921D9028 00006820 121D9028 000064A0 D2000000 00000000
- Ring Multiplier x2
921FB3FC 00000538 021FB408 E1A01081 021FB40C E0821001 021FB414 E5831020 D2000000 00000000
- Ring Multiplier x4
921FB3FC 00000538 021FB408 E1A01101 021FB40C E0821001 021FB414 E5831020 D2000000 00000000
- Ring Multiplier x8
921FB3FC 00000538 021FB408 E1A01181 021FB40C E0821001 021FB414 E5831020 D2000000 00000000
- Ring Multiplier x16
921FB3FC 00000538 021FB408 E1A01201 021FB40C E0821001 021FB414 E5831020 D2000000 00000000
- Ring Multiplier x32
921FB3FC 00000538 021FB408 E1A01281 021FB40C E0821001 021FB414 E5831020 D2000000 00000000
5770 Captain America - Super Soldier (E)
- Combo Hits
30303924 0000270F
- Health
003038C2 000000C7
5781 Captain America - Super Soldier (U)
- Full Hero Meter (Press L)
94000130 000001FF 2230389A 00000006 D2000000 00000000
- Hold L+R To Empty Hero Meter
94000130 FCFF0000 2230389A 00000000 D2000000 00000000
- Hits
103038A4 0000270F
- Full Hero Meter
30334B14 00027000
- Health
30303840 004B0000
5834 Pucca Power Up (U)
- Hearts
003960B0 00000009
- Save Garu (Breath Kisses)
103923F4 000003E7
- Lives
0011805B 00000063
- GingerBread Men
2011805D 00000008
5846 Bakugan Rise Of Resistance (E)
- Max Coins (Press Select)
94000130 FEFB0000 020AFF48 0001869F D2000000 00000000
- Max DNA (Press Select+R)
94000130 FFFB0000 020B33BC 0001869F D2000000 00000000
- Refill Health (Press Select+L)
94000130 FDFB0000 D9000000 020B3FF0 D6000000 020B3FF4 D2000000 00000000
5848 X-Men Destiny (E)
- Health Never Decrease
5204A3BC E59600D0 0204A3C0 E1A01000 D2000000 00000000
- Infinite Energy
5204CBAC E5900000 0204CBB0 E2800A05 0204CBB4 E5901434 0204CBBC EA000000 0204CBD0 E5900434 D2000000 00000000
- Enemy 1 Hit Kill
52034634 E59A00A4 02034638 E3A01000 D2000000 00000000
- Points x99 After Use
5205D608 E5910000 0205D60C E3A03063 D2000000 00000000
5863 Aliens - Infestation (U)
- Instant Health Recover (Doesn't Prevent from Overkill)
02000000 E1D011B4 02000004 E1C011B2 02000008 EA002094 52008258 E2880C01 0200825C EAFFDF67 D2000000 00000000
- Infinite Ammo
520A2174 80421001 020A2178 E1D012B6 D2000000 00000000 520A1098 E59F00A0 020A109C E3A01A01 D2000000 00000000
- Infinite Explosive
52066008 E3500000 0206600C 12400000 D2000000 00000000
- Stamina Never Decrease
52060C0C E1D122FE 02060C10 E2422000 02060C60 E3A01F96 D2000000 00000000
- Moon Jump (Press B)
94000130 FFFD0000 B21D16C4 00000000 00000038 FFFFD000 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFD0000 B21D16C8 00000000 00000038 FFFFD000 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFD0000 B21D16CC 00000000 00000038 FFFFD000 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFD0000 B21D16D0 00000000 00000038 FFFFD000 D2000000 00000000
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Last Update 11-11-2011
Cheating Tutorial